Funny Ex Text My Middle Finger Gets a Boner When I Think of You

Question: "My partner lost his erection once or twice and now he is avoiding sex — I don't know what to do as I want to feel close to him and he is so withdrawn."

Answer: I have a term for things that go wrong during sex: The Naked Awkward Moment.

It's when something doesn't happen according to plan, and no-one knows what to do or what to say, so nothing happens… crickets and tumbleweeds instead.

I figure many of us have had one of these moments and we'd all agree: we don't want to have one again any time soon.

This is what results in many people avoiding talking about problems, fears and issues with sex.

It's also what is behind many people avoiding sex altogether.

Not doing it is certainly one way to avoid The Naked Awkward Moment, but it's not particularly useful — especially when your partner may not understand what's going on.

Erectile dysfunction is common

It's not unusual for men to experience erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. Even though it is more common in older men, it can affect younger blokes as well.

Booze, tiredness and anxiety can all affect your ability to get or keep an erection, so your performance can be affected every now and then. But if it's happening often then it's worth a visit to your GP so they can rule out any possible health issues.

It's also something to talk about with your partner, so it doesn't become even more of an issue.

But when it becomes something that is stressed about or worried about, it can be the foundation of performance anxiety.

Close up of man and woman embracing

Sex is made up of all different kinds of sexual activities, not just intercourse, writes Tanya Koens.( Unsplash: Priscilla Du Preez )

When we don't talk about sexual issues we leave our partner to guess what is happening and quite often they won't tune into the actual problem.

It's more likely they will assume it's something they have done, not done or feel is wrong with them.

This results in two people up in their heads and not in their bodies enjoying sexy times.

Sex is not just intercourse

Performance anxiety is more likely to occur when people think P-in-V or P-in-A sex is the only kind of sex there is.

Sex is made up of all different kinds of sexual activities, not just intercourse. (And you don't need both a 'p' and 'v' for it to be fun.)

It includes a lot of outer-course that is both pleasurable and necessary.

Thinking that sex is only about intercourse will exacerbate erectile problems and stop you enjoying a whole bunch of other pleasurable things.

When you spend more time worrying about erections than you do about giving and receiving pleasure, it takes you out of connection with your partner(s).

Suddenly it's all about performance — whether you're hard enough and whether you will stay that way — that becomes the focus, not fun and enjoyment.

It often leads to people forgetting to pay attention to their partner's needs because they are consumed with thoughts about their erectile difficulties.

I often encounter clients who hurry to get to intercourse because they feel they will lose their erection.

In this rush they are forgetting about their partner's pleasure and whether or not their partner is ready to enjoy intercourse.

Two people sit on a bridge talking

If you have a long-term partner, a conversation and some curiosity around what you can do in the event that everything doesn't go to plan will serve you well, writes Tanya Koens.( Unsplash: Toa Heftiba )

This will definitely impact your sex life.

One thing people don't often understand is that in order to have fun and feel good, it's not essential to be super hard.

I'm here to tell you that you can have a lot of fun when soft!

Did you know that a penis is at its most sensitive when it's 60 per cent erect?

That's right, no need to be rock hard to feel good.

It's also quite normal for erections to wax and wane during sexual play.

Focusing on pleasure as a team

If you spend a lot of time pleasuring your partner with other parts of your body (hands, mouth, skin), why does your penis have to be hard during these activities?

Tanya Koens head shot

Tanya Koens is a clinical and somatic sexologist and relationship counsellor.( Supplied )

The same applies in reverse; you can let your partner know that things are feeling wonderful regardless of the state of your penis. It does not have to be the barometer of pleasure.

I completely understand that it's mortifying to think of discussing the issue with your partner, but isn't The Naked Awkward Moment worse?

If you have a long-term partner, a conversation and some curiosity around what we can do in the event that everything doesn't go to plan will serve you well.

If you are dating new people, again, surely it's better to have a briefly uncomfortable conversation and then work together to create a memorable experience.

Different does not have to mean worse. It can often lead to you exploring other things that turn out to be way more pleasurable than you think.

In fact, I have often asked clients to refrain from intercourse for some time while we address other issues, and they have reported back that they have enjoyed some of the best sex of their lives.

Imagine what it would be like to get into bed, or to start getting sexy and to actually know the answers to the "What if I lose my erection?" question.

Take time to co-create pleasure, rather than feel alone in handling situations that may not go according to plan.

This article has been reviewed by Dr Vincent Cornelisse, sexual health physician.

This is general information only. For detailed personal advice you should see a qualified medical practitioner who knows your medical history.

Posted , updated


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